🦆 Brancaleone's blog

I live in a cave

also known as: a sip of modern nihilism

I don't get the reference to that meme.

I didn't know that that one is the latest trend on TikTok.

I have no idea about the content of the latest political nonsense debate.

I try not to forget the finiteness of our time and invest it in things that seem (at the moment) important to me, be it travelling, connecting with people, learning, or just rambling physically and mentally. It sounds selfish, but I don't think that listening to the news/socials/media will change anything. The vast majority of people will still absorb such content passively and not take action. In fact, in our modern society - and probably in the past too? - consuming news is just another form of entertainment.

Reading about and reacting to wordly events takes so much energy and affects the mood. I would rather put my emotional energy into things that are closer to me, on which I have some kind of influence. Any "important!!!" news? You'll find out anyway, if it's really important or urgent, people will talk about it.

And as I learned in Computer Science and by reading ancient philosophers, it is the core, fundamental stuff that sticks around. Trends are temporary and will probably be gone by the time you start to understand them.

I live in a cave and I am proud of it.